Category: Science Lab
Literature review of phytochemical analysis
2.1. Literature
Pterocarpus marsupium is an important plant which is used
traditionally for medicinal purposes. It contains several chemical constituents’
pterostilbene, epicatechin, pterosupin, marsupin etc. This plant shows various
pharmacological activities like antioxidant, analgesic, anti-inflammatory,
hepatrop protective and antifungal. This plant is an important herbal drug. This
contains various pharmacological properties and it requires further exploitation
[10]. The bark of this plant is used in severe diarrhea, dysentery and
treatment of tumors of gland. The heartwood of this plant is used in the
treatment of elephantiasis, leucoderma, diarrhea, rectalgia, cough and greyness
of hair.
The present study was conducted to the pterostilbene which
is purified from Pterocarpus marsupium. This pterostilbene are used to test the
anti cancer activity on breast and prostate cancer cell lines. Pterostilbene
has multiple target sites to induce apoptosis. This also affects the branched
chain fatty acid metabolism in Cancer cells [
The methanol extract of the bark of Pterocarpus marsupium
plant is used as an antioxidant model system. Aqueous extract of this exhibit
potent ABTS scavenging activity. Methanol extract of this plant is found to
possess higher superoxide scavenging activity at lower concentration as
compared to other extract. Methanol extract, ethyl Acetate extract and aqueous
extract of Pterocarpus marsupium are good inhibitors of in vitro lipid
peroxidation. The bark of Pterocarpus marsupium may be considered as a good source
of natural antioxidant for free radical mediated ailments [31]
Further study researchers known about the methanolic extract
of the bark of Pterocarpus marsupium shows the antioxidant activity in vitro
and analgesic activity in mice. The bark extract of Pterocarpus marsupium had
an IC50=53.0µgml-1 [32]. Using the hot plate method to study the bark extract of
Pterocarpus marsupium possess the ability to reduce pain threshold and increase
the response latency period to thermal stimuli in mice. Pterocarpus marsupium
bark extract show analgesic action which suggests pain is mediated through
inhibition of central pain receptors.
Pterocarpus marsupium is used as an antidiabetic. Its
extract has been prepared by several methods such as infusion, maceration,
decoction and percolation. This plant extract also results in cataract and
hypertriglyceridemia. It is also used as a cardio tonic and hepatoprotective
agent. Its ability as a specific COX-2 in
preparati [33] This plant is used in
pharmaceutical preparation.
The young stem of Pterocarpus marsupium associated with the
gum formation. When the cell lining of the cavity breakdown gum is formed. In
Pterocarpus marsupium the cell lining of the cavity appears radially elongated
and shows increased Stainability. In this cell the tannins granules are
deposited and fungal hyphase is present [34]
Although many number of plants and plant products have been
tested for the corrosion inhibition efficiency, no report was found for Pterocarpus
Marsupium. Pterocarpus Marsupium is a plant found in the southern
part of Odisha and is found in surplus quantity in forest. Though various
properties of this plant are studied, neither the leaf nor the bark has been
tested for its corrosion inhibition ability. In the present work Pterocarpus
Marsupium leaves are collected and tested for their corrosion inhibition efficiency
in sodium chloride medium.
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